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Win is not a game...

You can find me on several video games like Diablo, Heroes of the Storm or League Of Legends. However, I am more present in Lol. Currently platinum on the ladder, formerly diamond, I began to stream recently. I propose a fun and informative content in which I mainly explains the role of ADC or Support.


Apart from my role as a "gamer", I devote much of my time to the team's management. Indeed, I first subordinated the aAa team (Against All Authority) and the Holynn team. After the disband of the latter, I put my manager station on standby to became responsible for their Web TV.


To prepare the draft of a new team, I continued looking for players willing to invest in a new and promising structure. If you're feeling to be the pillar and the image of Holynn, if you want to represent an innovative structure with a competent staff, please contact me :).

For more information on Holynn, find us on the official website :)

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